
“Look, can we all just kinda admit that my personal preference is the objective truth, and ignore all the myriad ways in which the alternative is better for society and the planet?”

look, can we all just kinda admit that private vehicles suck?

Is Elon Musk just the Monorail guy from the Simpsons?

Its ok to keep saying true things.

Elon rarely acts like a man.

Did Musk Propose Hyperloop to Stop California High-Speed Rail, or was it just another instance of Elon blurting out a half-formed idea?

American Exceptionalism; basic services work everywhere but here.

To be fair, America just isn’t that capable of large-scale efforts like high-speed rail. Maybe several decades ago, but I don’t see it being the case now. 

it sounds like this Jason Schreier guy wrote an informative article about this topic.  Maybe this site should consider hiring him...?

This man deserves to be ruined in every way conceivable, legally.

This is the exact sentiment Blizz and Reed Smith count on, “well why would making this a democratic process be a bad thing?” But Blizz’s appeal to our perception of fairness is a facade, it’s a slimy lie that’s intended to dilute the leverage a small number of organizationally-related, similarly-compensated workers

Oh Blizzard. ☹️

Sick of reading about this shit company. 

Everyone. Delete your gd battlenet already. Are you sick of these articles? Feeding them more money and playing their old, tired ass IPs allows them to continue their stupid shit.

Its already gone. So someone bought it. I would give it a NP. There is a collector market for them and it is in unbelievable condition. It would probably attract attention at cars and coffee and Radwood.

just adding fuel to the fire.

On behalf of all parents who have heard this sound more times than I can count, to the Roblox company, I say, thank you!

I feel like you haven’t adequately explained “the catch” here: After 2 hours, the game becomes impossible to win. You have 2 hours to beat it and refund it or you fail the game entirely.

I really cannot tell the difference. They’re trying to spin this like it’s on the level of the FFVII Remake, it just isn’t.