
BuT tHe FrEe MaRkEt!!!!11

This one was my favorite today:

That’s a sucker’s bet.

Ethan, press X to find daughter

Here ya go (Disclaimer: Not my creation)

your wishes are my command

Why is the image uploader on this site so terrible and unreliable?

Its real funny that an article that’s basically saying “this thing still sucks because money” still has comments from people praising their love for electronic waste. Y’all are fuckin marks.

You know, maybe I’m just getting old and increasingly unwilling to be inconvenienced, but I have no desire to use batteries like this in anything if I can help it. Here’s me shrugging at the prospect of buying a separate piece of equipment to charge batteries and having to keep track of them. I’d sooner just run a

I spent all that time wondering if I could, I never stopped to think if I “should”...

Link Who? Every Princess wants a Prince.......a Horse Prince

The new xbox sure does have an interesting design 

2 isn’t great, but 1 and 3 definitely are