
They will have the high ground... wait wrong space thing! Super obvious this time ^_~

Congrats to MonoArtan for the and i guess Zack for taking ownership of said win! And we got 3 members in the won column this week!!! Keep up the good work!!! And Zack I see you suggested I go to hell...well jokes on you 2020 is hell!!!

Disappointed to laugh and smile?  OK Zack, will definitely try to make you cringe and cry next time!

a karevan

In response to whoever inevitably complains that they still haven’t seen a box they won’t be able to buy until November: have some perspective. The PS5 simply is not the most important thing in the world right now.

Last Sunday working, so no longer will Ihave to rush these out after my shift.

Lol I had a similar thought

This is a perfect entry! Nicely done!

The only way he can win is by using his cheaters...

Thankfully, Microsoft set the bar really low with that one. If Sony actually PLAYS a few games, they will surpass it. 

The code is: CB-169.

“Think piracy’s a victimless crime? Then why are you BLEEDING?!screamed Ellie, lost in the blood-zeal of enforcing the DMCA

This is literally what the MAGA trolls online say about Trump whenever he says something dumb.

Biden was like this -before- the primaries though

Been watching him hang himself for almost 4 years. His neck hasn’t snapped yet.

I’ll wait for the “Kingdom Hearts All In One-3.14-Dreams of Tomorrow .5 and a half/42" edition.

I’ll wait for the “Kingdom Hearts All In One-3.14-Dreams of Tomorrow .5 and a half/42" edition.