I will not have any Xenosaga slander
I will not have any Xenosaga slander
Nintendo games going on sale good luck
Lets be real Gamescom is always underwhelming
Bruh it's a dating app where she said she was interested in them
end of an era 😔
I mainly only play vertical scrolling games so I cant speak on too much stuff but
Grab djmax respect one of the greatest rhythm games of all time
did you even read the article? The game is total shit mechanically and was made in 6 months. The premise of the article was that the game was made to incite a reaction rather than be something that was worth peoples time and money. John Walker specifically stated several times in the article that the game should…
No that's intentional they want you to suffer.
ok that makes much more sense thanks for clarifying. I was wondering why it wasnt super obvious that they were a fake npc
Right and unless there is an item to stop you from glowing bright red as well there is no way this would work
I genuinely could not tell the Billie Eilish render was CG (the one with the white background). next level stuff
its DLC its an Idolmaster skin.
I’m a bit confused on the joke as well definitely seemed to be an overreaction.
*sees game is delayed
that disc works now. they might have patched it, was just was playing it a few days ago on the combo disc
Is there anything incorect about that statement? I have never seen a positive crypto take on Kotaku
yeah definitely needs to be said that its a scam made by an article spoofing the real polygon. starring both of you guys comments to get them out the gray
Listen I know Kotaku hates crypto and that is fine but there are a few things that could be clarified with some basic research.