
I think casual is the correct description to use when talking about ninja storm. The games are flashy and pretty too look at but overall lack depth. I’d probably say the best naruto games were the clash of ninja series on Wii and gamecube. Although they weren’t nearly as pretty they had a perfect balance between in

Again from an analytical perspective you’d be hard pressed to claim that Jwong had a chance in winning when his placements haven’t been that hot since the first few months of SFV. Jwong has put in countless hours of work into his Karin Vs. Ed who literally came out a month ago. Me and Jlkotaku were pointing this out.

Because it’s true, arguably the best players in the US right now are Punk and Nuckle Du (Capcom cup champion). Ricki Ortiz hasn’t been doing good since season 2 nerfs to Chun Li and Filipino Champ has always been B tier in SFV. The talent pool in this tournament wasn’t that deep which is probably one of the reasons

So true not much variation in terms of character design. All of the guys on the cast are beefy dudes.

The strip really has gotten funnier lately

As many people have pointed out life in the argo is that pretty girl with not much to say.

GBA version of it. Cant remember the differences off the top of my head

Look at the quality of the games. The Nes classic had a few weaker games. This one has an incredibly good lineup with every game being considered a classic by some standard. There also throwing in a second controller.

Does a game being out for a minute teally justify spoiling?

Looks kinda like the Zoom design from the flash TV show.

Thanks for the correction. Was running purely from my memory of the situation.

Although I agree with you lets be real its call of duty. How different can you’re guy look. The only thing they can really do is sell gun skins.

Giving the game completly for free without Xbox Live is a realy generous move on Microsofts part. Im not going to think about the ulterior motives that could’ve mad MS come to thia conclusion and just enjoy.

Had an article on Kotaku but to try and sum it. Microsoft placed the sequel in the hands of an external development team (cant remember the name). The team worked on it and presented a demo but Microsoft didnt like it and canceled the project. The studio put so many resources into it that they had no choice but to

Very true I actually was taken back when Luke claimed the controller was indestructible. Ive gone through about 3 total which wasnt the case for any nintendo or Microsoft controllers. The build quality of the Dualshock 3 was bad and went through a ton of major iterations on their inner design to try and stop them from

There are videos online. You need to open it up and add tape to a piece on the back. Type “ds3 random button presses” into youtube. If you have one of the newer models where everything is together you’re probably out of luck. Also clean the controller with alcohol while its opened.

Double XP got me. Feel like the quality of the jokes has significantly increased.

Next thing kirk is going to tell me to turn off is the console

My favorite anime of all time. Even people who aren’t the most fond of it will admit it’s pretty well put together.

I love the clean look on this game. Something about the art style really sticks out.