
Looks Interesting what show is this and is it any good?

How is this any better than the doxxing that Kotaku was heavily condeming?

Sounds kinda like groundhog day, watch it if you haven't.

I can confirm its real lol

Great stuff

Had to laugh at that xD

Unless I'm mistaken I believe that article was written by Mike Fahey not Temco Koei. I don't think Temco will ever get serious about getting rid of the fanservice because that's what sells a majority of the copies, like it or not. I actually dont disagree with you. Your comment just came off as misinformed.

Did you read the article?

The simpicity really makes this one shine

Didn't mind looking for Waldo ;)

good job following directions ;)

Are we getting Yakuza 3 or 4 lol

I think you are being sarcastic but he is joking. It is for wii u

idk what that means lol. I was sitting here 5+ minute trying to interpret

First season and a majority of the second season are dubbed. You can watch them on Funimations official website.

let me explain better, Hes the Zangief of tekken. Very hard to beat when you dont fully understand the game. He had very quick and spammable combos that made him the go to character for noobs.

That would defenitely be fox. He is easily the best character in the game.

you probably havent played Tekken 3 :P

No, I'm grey myself I was taking pot shots at Kinja and thier stupid grey system. Judging from his other comments he was also grey but either was liked by an approved person or replied.

And this is why I love the featured commentor system it keeps the asses out and promotes good discusions!