
Heres the thing Nintendo has been saying (look at 2011 E3) wii u is a console for everyone in the family (including hardcore gamers). They were often critizised for not having many Mature experiences on the wii and are correcting that by getting more on the console. I think Nintend more of put thier money where thier

or maybe sega didnt think it would sell that well so they decided not to publish it. Platinum had to find another one and nintendo stepped up to the plate. think man -__-

youre to quick to judge how fast people forget things sir

wave bird FTW it was the bomb

and its on a blurry screen for crying out loud, how can you gauge something on a blurry screenshot *mindblown*

what I was thinking my eyes!!!

ouch lol

but the later levels required precesion like light jumps slides and so on. Im not sure what this version will include, so it might just be the easier levels

the controls were great IMO especially the wii version. I think the tablet controls will kill it especially if they include the chest stages xD

yes I was also enjoying squares 2 android games....


amen brother

fix the comment system

de ja vue

Im with ya xD