
I just meant, that you can use the desktop and in the consumer preview it's were I spent most of my time.

You don't have to use it at all if you don't want to? What's your problem?

I never asked for this!

IE10 seems widely rebuild and is, at least in Metro flavor, extremely nice to use.

I am sorry, but who we are to argue with Sam?

100MB for non-Pro users. I couldn't upload all my comics because of this. And their utter slowness.

Nothing more to say!

And you succeeded!

That's a serious sleep drain. Why is that so high? All the things really sucking the battery dry are powered of when it sleeps, aren't they?

I know that feeling. You're welcome.

It's the other way around! The faster you move the slower your time passes if observed from a non or slower moving reference frame.

But this is on a smartphone and it is an original and totaly creative idea to offer such a button there!

Sorry, I'm German and typed this in a rush. Thanks for pointing out!

Yes, you are. A divident is something you get paid. If you own 1 Apple stock, they will start to pay you 2.65$, just because they are so filthy rich.

It's the Intelli Mouse Explorer 3.0!

I had this Mouse for about 10 years and then it finally died on me. That was a sad day.

What is it with all those watchmakers?

Were can I get those??

So if I understand the metaphors used here correctly, Metallica hasn't produced shitty sounding records for ages but are, indeed, the inventors of aureal Hipstamatic?

As already said, this was possible for a longer time, they just made it easier.