
Also blitzkrieg bop instead of gangsters paradise is a much better choice.

Can’t fail the Bechdel test if you don’t have women.

He did actually say ‘I’m sorry’, which makes it more of an apology than most, but you can ‘accept accountability’ all you want - we see other C-level execs say those empty words too.

This piece was first published on February 16, 2018.

Liquid Metal Slime draws near! Command?

And yet, the introduction claims this to be our weekly roundup of the best webcomics”. ;P

I’ll never understand nerfing in a single player or co-op games...

Also the best and most entertaining FF villain since Kefka.

AKA The Steam Release.

The fact that my Y1 gear (Ego Tallon IV, Wraps of the Fulminator, Philomath Robes, Lunafaction Boots, Ego Tallon Bond) is STILL IN MY INVENTORY is telling on how godawful Y2 Gear looks on a Warlock. It took until Season of Opulance to find gear I decently liked.

One of their latest releases was FFXIV: Shadowbringers. It has an amazing story, but unfortunately wont be seen by the majority due to it being an MMORPG expansion.


It’s certainly worth talking about the Epic store’s missing features, the impact of Epic chasing exclusives, anxieties people have about Epic’s previous data breaches and other things people bring up. Having played only one game via the EGS, I can’t say the store is all that impressive, but I didn’t hate it either.

First: I really appreciate you guys. Kotaku gets a bad rap, even with my friends that are largely progressive (and I can’t figure out why tbh), but y’all balance news and analysis while usually avoiding the sort of exaggeration I see in gaming spaces so often. I also appreciate your commitment to diversity and

I definitely heard from some readers this week that they thought we were not taking complaints about the Epic Games Store seriously enough. I don’t agree, but enough people said it that I’ve given it some thought. It was actually helpful for some readers to bring up the situation regarding the developer of Darq

Yeah I can echo that, I’m in Canada so its EB Games here but same thing, shelves that used to be full of game boxes are now board games puzzles and statues. There are racks of shirts and hats and scarves, wallets etc. The games are all crammed in a corner with the newest games getting focus and older games being in

That is, I think, the most damning aspect of it all. We know they allow multiple storefonts because EGS exclusive Outer Worlds isn’t EGS exclusive, it’s just delayed on Steam.

“I felt going for an exclusivity deal would show that my word means nothing (as I just had promised the game would launch on Steam),” wrote Marhulets on Reddit. The positive response from fans was huge.

It’s pretty telling that Epic wouldn’t even *offer* the guy any other terms than sole exclusivity. If the game were on their store as well as Steam, they’d make money, he’d make money, Steam would lose future money compared to the status quo where that’s where everyone buys it now. But that’s not good enough for them.

Is the Epic Store hugely popular aside from Fortnite-related stuff?