There is no facet that is pure and were I to strip everything that is a product of my oppressor from my life I’d have to move to a commune in the mountains that encircle my family’s hometown in Puerto Rico.
There is no facet that is pure and were I to strip everything that is a product of my oppressor from my life I’d have to move to a commune in the mountains that encircle my family’s hometown in Puerto Rico.
I do think August Alsina had some shady reasons behind why he made all that public however I’m a little uncomfortable about how him and Jada’s relationship started, (if it was a young woman being helped by an older man with their mental health struggles then things became sexual... I’d be side eyeing the man in the…
Yeah... Last time I had a full on emotional breakdown, I just sat in the cooler on a pickle bucket for about 5 minutes before splashing some cold water on my face and going back to the line.
Yeah, this is where I remind people that, as someone on the high-functioning end of the autism spectrum and depression, we need to stop putting racism in the “mentally-ill” bag. Nobody’s objecting to mental illness here. They’re objecting to Ms. Cooper’s racism. And while there can be overlap between racist beliefs…
J.R. gotta hire better goons. His homies should’ve pushed him out the way and dropped elbows themselves. Dude is worth too much money to be out there bad like that.
Not enough bad things can happen to this woman, not so much for her “rehoming” of a child like he was a puppy she found in a parking lot but for her mercenary use of and collection of children to begin with. She keeps squeezing out or adopting kids because she knows that babies and toddlers are where the “cute”…
What’s more, one of the prosecutors that declined to do something about this guy is none other than Amy Klobuchar.
Yes, let's show people that racism isn't acceptable and that we recognize it, even when it isn't wearing a hood or a red cap.
Were there any kind of rides that it was safe to take with Ted Kennedy?
I think it’s because it’s pretty easy to do for the most part, and these are very solid engines that can take a bit more grunt.
Well, you know you are living in one of the worst possible timelines when Axl Rose is the good guy in any situation.
This show premiered the year before I was born, so I was all about it growing up. I grew up in rural Georgia and watched a lot of TBS (Turner Broadcasting System) because I lived in an area where cable tv wasn’t available until I was around 12. To this day TBS probably still airs Little House on the Prairie. That…
Yep, the 240SX body has aged extremely well. Nissan’s uber clean styling was so dead on back then. What the hell happened to them?
Well, he’s made his reelection ad, if not something for higher office once this shit-show is over with. Really do wish we did not need to have this go down like that. A smart politician, or even a dumb but shrewd one, would’ve been all about this shit and had their State and Defense departments wooing South Korea for…
Kinda hard to even want to when in remission from an immune-compromising cancer. Knows first hand what could’ve killed him had it happened two to three years ago while he was working through the brunt of it. Not implying that that alone is why, just easily gave a touch of perspective. That and is likelier than the…
The Twitterverse has ruled this tweet as shade*
This shit is right out of The Sopranos or something.
You know why he had to do this?
Larry Hogan is probably the least shitty republican in any public office in the entire United States. If we have to have a Republican Governor, I’m glad it’s Larry Hogan.
Good for them but, it’s still a fucking national embarrassment