
Watch the movie first. Hold your outrage until then.

Jesus christ, dude.

Context has everything to do with everything. Context is the set of time-space circumstances that provide the framework of attitudes, conventions, norms, etc. that caused a person to think/act a certain way. It doesn’t do anything but explain.

Harder to leave the relationship, thus more stress to stay in it, and baggage piles on baggage and it seems like there’s no escape because it’s “worse” to have a failed marriage than a failed relationship.

Literally everything you just said is my life.

You said below that you have small children. I do not know how any marriage survives small children unless there is lots of money and understanding/support.

If you didn’t grow up in that era, it probably doesn’t make sense, but I’ll be completely blunt: it was completely normal for girls I knew in high school to be in relationships with men who were far (decades) older. And at the time no one saw it as a particularly terrible or bad thing.

Egads, are you for real?

LOL this from the person who hasn’t seen it and is making all kinds of hysterical assumptions about the movie and the intent of the reviewers. Run along now.

So you read the book and watched the movie and therefore have an informed opinion?

I don’t think you know what rape means.

I see, there is no way I can have a proper conversation with you. So I’m going to leave it at this, because you obviously just want to have an internet fight and not a sincere exchange.


Wow, such a trenchant wit. Of course you are not explicitly imputing anything in particular, what you are doing is suggesting it implicitly. Damn, JujyMonkey, how could you miss that?

I had to read this twice, because this story is so horrifying and handled with an amazing lack of sensitivity.

I’m sure there are people who, despite knowing that monogamy is not for them or suspecting that their fiance is not “the one,” go ahead and get married anyway. They shouldn’t.

This. A friend recently had an affair with a married coworker, and justified it to herself because “His wife is crazy!” I’d be crazy too if my husband was fucking around with someone half his age, while I stayed home with his kids.

OR the people involved aren’t fit for long-term partnerships.

They were together 10 years. That’s a pretty good run.

OR, some people aren’t good at mating for life.