
I’m 100% Hispanic but am very light skinned and grew up with a white last name (long story) but I think I’m just as capable of experiencing racial discrimination as my darker brothers and sisters. Because many white people have assumed I’m white, I’ve been privy to their racist comments against minorities because

Such an opportunist to go through Law School, build your own Law Group in Civil Rights Law and wait for her daughter to be wrongfully arrested. What a bitch!

Dear people calling mama an “opportunist,”

Yes, I like the part where they sue the police. That doesn’t mean I have to like them, specifically. I didn’t say they did a bad thing.

Oy. People can’t win, can they? So here you have a “rich and entitled” kid who DOES get abused by the police and people are mad she’s using her means to sue them. She specifically said, “if you have the privilege and the means to pursue legal action, you should.” How is this a bad thing? Many people cannot sue, they

I do see what you mean, but ... her daughter informed her friends of their Constituional rights at a time when they needed such information. I have a hard time hating on her for that, even if she only knew because ‘her mommy is a civil rights attorney.’

That’s one sweary lawyer. (And I do hope they win the case.)

I also love the hubris involved in a person thinking their opinion is fact, or the same as “everyone else’s”. “I’m just saying what everyone is thinking” “You needed to hear the truth from someone.” No, your perceptions are not universal or tested proofs.

Agreed. Do you also notice that when the tables are turned, they lose their shit? It’s truth-giving until it’s flipped. Then it’s a personal affront. Dipshits.

“I say it it like it is” people are the woooorst. No, you’re not being refreshingly honest, you’re just being a dick.

But being open about some things is really helpful. The sort of “tact” that keeps us from asking how much money people make keeps those who make less oppressed, since they are often in the dark about how much they should be making.

It’s Australia, which is like Texas if it was its own country and had coal instead of oil.

My sister’s fiancé is Australian and he told her he can’t wait to become an American citizen because the U.S. is way less crazy than Australia.

Yeah, which is why I refuse to use the word. I use terms like ‘fat’ and ‘chubby’ because if Chris were a woman, those would be the words used to describe him.

If I found out my ex was engaged or married, I'd feel very sorry for the poor woman who was now legally bound to a human millstone. A woman as awful as he would reject him.

I think I would be upset if most of my exes got engaged (I’m on okay terms with like two of them), but not because I love them deeply or anything. It would be because I find them to be entirely loathsome individuals and I want them to be alone and preferably miserable forever.
I am not as nice as I pretend to be.


Also, keep in mind that if it did involve substance abuse, many young people turn to that as a way to cope with other issues. If she was being bullied, or was depressed, and turned to drugs or alcohol, then instead of addressing the root of her depression he just made it worse.

Sometimes so-called “adults” are just oversized children who figured out how to put a penis and vagina together, and many of those are often completely psychotic.

No one who wears rebel flag couture is "walkin' on eggshells." One might go so far as to say they are aching for confrontation.