
Obviously this is Trump’s fault

Obviously this is Trump’s fault.

And the help desk is still 3000 idiots in Bangalore


I blame the fucking Jews

Trump’s fault

I hope when the customers are black gay trans or illegal that the riots are spectacular

It is painfully dull. It’s basically scene after scene after scene after scene of one head shot complaining to another head shot. For 10 hrs. It’s one thing to have a ‘slow TV’ series that’s intentionally dull, like ‘The Killing’ but this is just awful TV that’s dull because it doesn’t know how dull it is. This is

something something racism something something Trump’s fault

Trump’s fault. Exterminate all white people.

Soon even snapchat will be too much attention span for them. we need an app that randomly takes pictures whether you know it or not and sends them to a million of your closest friends.

Trump’s fault. White people invented volcanoes to kill the browns

Trump’s fault.

something something it’s Trump’s fault kill all white people.

Something something global warming it’s Trump’s fault

You will not be happy until you are the last human on earth

It shouldn’t be optional. It should be mandatory and cost $2000 except for illegals who don’t need a plate

I blame Trump.

They’re all white. Redo it only with black people, Mexicans and Iranians.

Whenever you order, your package from Amazon will either show up on Saturday when you’re not there or it will be two weeks late