
They’re all white. Redo it only with black people, Mexicans and Iranians.

Whenever you order, your package from Amazon will either show up on Saturday when you’re not there or it will be two weeks late

Something something it’s all Trump’s fault

I blame Trump

All white people must be exterminated

Every single movie and every single website and every single TV show must be comicbooks

this is an idiot article.

Guess who the ‘entrepreneurs’ are. Go ahead, guess.

Sweden is a Muslim nation anyway

hopefully our governmental overlords will decree that all robo car owner MUST hire a Muslim ‘refugee’ to be their personal driver..just in case.

Obviously this is Trump’s fault.

No crazier than the DNC suing planet Earth for losing the 2016 election.

We need to exterminate everyone to the right of Pol Pot. Figure 290 million Americans

But soon you will go to jail if you DON’T take your dog to one.

You cheer that you’ve finally reached wife nirvana. Then go out with your friends and complain about some different shit.

It’s too bad my state considers them motorcycles and makes you wear a helmet.

We need a show about living according to sharia law, replete with rape, beheadings, terrorism and throwing gays off the roof. Liberals will wet themselves with glee and it will run for 20 seasons.

How I Met Your Mother season 5 was supposed to be the same 2hrs of the whole cast at the airport waiting to go to Disney

I hope his kid dies if only to hear him complain that that’s Trump’s fault too.

The Hentai Futa Girl version should be good. Don’t pixilate.