These are huge companies that spend billions on market research. They’re not wrong. And anyway, it gives women one more thing to complain about.
These are huge companies that spend billions on market research. They’re not wrong. And anyway, it gives women one more thing to complain about.
Obviously this is Trump’s fault and WaPo will screech even louder to the heavens that Trump is evil incarnate.
They could have dumped an off the shelf Cosworth into it. Would have been a no-brainer
Everyone wants a Lotus until they own one. Then they get to experience the bad fit and finish, the solid motor mounts, the leaks, the electrical weirdness, the cheap interior.
I blame Trump
Time to ban scooters, trains, crossing gates and roads.
Trump’s fault. now let’s exterminate all white people.
It’s not that big a deal, just drag it off the window you see it in.
We sh0uld exterminate all white people everywhere. I you know any white people kill them all.
All straight white women must be exterminated
He should declare himself an illegal Mexican. We let them all go with a firm talking to
We should not have any laws about anything at all.
Obviously this is Trump’s fault
Angry black women angry about being called angry black women.
Which senate seat is she demanding the DNC give her. It can’t be a contested one so it has to be a gimme.
Just announce all the winners the day before and reserve the live event for angry retarded political posturing.
You have never watched tv with my partner. Spends 30 minutes deciding on what to watch. Finally chooses something then immediately leaves the room for the first 15 minutes. Demands a full recap but if you offer to start over they get insulted. Then they fall asleep and demand another synopsis 10 minutes before the end…
It’s Trump’s fault
It’s baffling why Amy Schumer OR Dave Chappelle are being offered so much money in the first place. Amy Schumer isn’t funny and Dave Chappelle is sort of for no known reason trying to resurrect a dead career with almost no direction or energy.
About 25 years he passed from funny and talented to drunk and coasting.