
She gets called out a lot because she speaks a lot of shit. All of the Americas are anti-black. Many paler Latinos come to the US accustomed to their privilege but horror, get treated like chusma without privilege, and expect black people to jump to their side without addressing their anti-blackness ever.

He didn't even write that book.

I’ll not wring a single finger for this dude. His family’s pain is not equal to the potential disappearance of this 60,000 year old culture. Lots of people have revelled in his death as a measure of the anger people have of 500 years of thieving abusive missionaries, the vanguards of colonialism.

I’m not into comics, just not my thing but I don’t think they’re beneath me. They have good stories. No one has ever criticised me for not liking comics except recommend stories they feel I would enjoy. Comics are not only Marvel or DC.

I don't agree with his anti vax stance. I don't blame him for the second part. 

I also have a heavy flow. Knowing what’s going on helps me remember whether to take iron pills this month or not. The app also has space for other symptoms and medications. It helps me keep track of meds and reactions to meds and chronic illness. I do find it odd that you’re not interested not because I think periods

I’ve tracked my cycle since teenage hood. I’m in my late thirties, that’s when I noticed some subtle changes. Wouldn’t have noticed if I wasn’t tracking

I keep finding old calendars and diaries from years ago that I failed to fill. I don’t fill the app consistently but I’m more likely to do so than write it down. I don’t just track my period. I have a chronic illness and it’s handy for tracking symptoms.

Dead to me. 

If you want a Chris Pratt lookalike, Derek Theler it is.

The best Chris Pratt is Derek Theler

Well, white supremacists have been infiltrating the police, immigration, homeland security, etc for a few years.

Tucker Carlson. Lol.

Not only that but tell other black people you’re blacker than they are. The sheer gall.

Why use scented soaps? I have had eczema since I was a baby and use non scented gel for atopic skin.

6th place, actually.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Because you’re family. I don’t see why this is such a difficult concept. It’s dehumanisation of the other but being kind to the real humans.

Racists are often kind to their own.

They’re not odd values, they're the values of a psychopath.