
Yes media influences us, of course it does, but what every supposed critic fails to address, is that media informs without context. This is why kids are most easily influenced, because they have very little context. You can't make the argument that games are filling people's heads with the wrong notions about women,

I would prefer to see from Kotaku just straight reporting on games. Yes, that's right, reporting on *video games*.

The people claiming she is "factually incorrect" are, in fact, doing what they accuse her of doing: cherry-picking and ignoring context. To use two recent examples, the "Hitman" and "Watch Dogs" rebuttals...aren't actually rebuttals. They're a misreading of her argument and an appeal to a particular mindset that isn't

I disagree that the way many people talk about games, the lenses they look at them through, is from the place of an art critic. To me, being an art critic requires a level of respect and understanding for art. Many people who claim to be supporters of these social issues, have none.

It's about how we have serious issues with sexism and misogyny in games, but the only person willing to talk about them regularly makes mistakes or outright wrong statements when she tries to bring them up, which makes some people think "oh my god, she's lying to further her cause." I don't think she's lying - she's

I mean, you may be right about some of that (at least in terms of discerning motives), but I have to ask... "supposed" social issues?

What puzzles me is that a lot of these are the same people who got so mad when Ebert insisted that games couldn't be art. Now they are being treated like art: examined and criticized

I don't know if you've ever read it, but Angie Gallant's playthrough on the Quarter to Three forums was responsible (in part) for popularizing the game over here, back before Devolver picked it up for the re-release. It's also hilarious.


"If you say that Hello Kitty is a cat, you say that Daffy Duck is a...um...some sort of...water fowl...thing..."

I definitely think Psycho-Pass is one of the better things to come along in a while. Generally, I'll give a look to anything that Urobuchi has been involved with.

I do find it kind of hilarious how much one of the protagonists and the main villain resemble Spike and Vicious, though. Hell, the series even begins with

And what exactly is Anita's "modus operandi", and how does it meaningfully differ from the vast majority of academic cultural criticism?

I ask because most of the complaints I see about her ("cherry picking" and so on) betray a pretty basic lack of understanding of how that sort of criticism works. What she's doing

Sorry, but let me lay my cards on the table here: I have a hard time taking any argument including the words "political correctness" seriously. It is a straw man, used almost exclusively to mean "Why are you being so mean to me when I act like an asshole?"

An honest question: what do you think of Sarkeesian? Do you think she is the best choice for communicating these ideas to the devs?

I think she's fine. I don't think there is a "best choice", and considering the number of devs I've seen saying, "Yeah, she's right." (including the Saint's Row guys earlier today), I

They're not calling all gamers sexist pigs. Read the actual op-eds.

And actually, your view of the LGBT equality movement is somewhat skewed and inaccurate.

Certainly, there was an element of "hearts and minds" to the whole thing. There was also an element of economic pressure (the so-called "pink dollar"). There was social pressure and marginalization of bigotry.

It's not an either-or

Man, there's all kinds of stuff wrong with that.

Alleged DMCA notice, last I heard.

And no, he's done more than that, especially in his more recent statement (like calling Joss Whedon's comments on the matter "overly aggressive" and "ignorant").

I mean...I think the guy is good at what he does. I just don't think he's that great when it comes to stuff outside of his

I don't think TotalBiscuit is a misogynist; I do think he's woefully uninformed and not particularly good at self-examination when it comes to any sort of deeper social or political critique.

I still find it kind of laughable that people are trying to use this non-controversy as a launching point for discussion of alleged industry/journalist conflicts of interest, when much more damaging stuff (like, say, the fact that most games industry news outlets are largely funded by ads from the very publishers

That's kind of dumb too, honestly, but given the choice between the two, it's not hard for me to choose between "people reflexively taking a stand against any sort of critique of video games from a feminist perspective and calls for inclusion" and "people reflexively showing support for/solidarity for those

Look on the bright side: At least it wasn't Grady!