
Or he's decided that he might actually try being a decent human being.

You should give it a shot.

Did you even read the post?

He pretty much admitted that he doesn't believe some of the stuff he says. He just says it to be a dick to people. That's not admirable; it's childish.

But...we encourage self-censorship all the time. Like...as a society, we frown on people tossing around racial slurs, right? What is that if not "encouraging self-censorship"?

Woah, it doesn't offend you? Well, discussion over, I guess. We can all go home!

Again, it's not just about the comic. It's about a pattern of statements and behavior that making the gaming community in general a shittier, more hostile place for people who already have to deal with a massively disproportionate amount

Yeah, those big LGBT babies, with their "oh, boo hoo, I'm several orders of magnitude more likely to be the victim of a violent crime" and their "waaa, I can't get a job or housing because employers and landlords discriminate against me on the basis of innate, unchangeable attributes."

What a bunch of assholes, amirite?

Billions of people throughout history also suffered from smallpox and thought slavery was a good idea.

Maybe history isn't exactly the best place to look for our social cues.

Oh, you're so right. Those marginalized minorities, the ones who are disproportionately targeted for violence and discrimination, partly because of comments like those made by Mike and the culture they promote?

They're the real bullies here.

Yes, that's exactly what happened and is not at all an insulting oversimplification of his treatment of trans people.

You might want to leave that straw man alone. It's had enough.

The problem is, it's a pretty content-free, fatuous quote often used to excuse any kind of bigotry the poster feels like.

Because they're a fairly substantial force in the game industry and its culture? Because they're now behind three major conventions? Because when Mike says a bunch of ugly, dismissive, derogatory stuff about trans people, it has an impact?

It's not just the comics. It's also his twitter feed, his public appearances, etc.

It's funny because it's true.

It wasn't just the dickwolves thing, though his response to that criticism was pretty pathetic.

Huh. It's been a while since I saw an actual "Internet Tough Guy" in the wild. Fascinating.

Actions speak louder than words, but given that (surprisingly self-reflective) post, I feel like he's maybe earned the benefit of the doubt until we see how everything pans out.

I'll miss Dead Space, and I'd certainly like to see another game, but...honestly, the ending of the Dead Space 3 DLC provides a fairly fitting end to the franchise, if that's all we ever get.

Honestly, I'm not sure how you even do another game after that (yes, yes, I know, planetcrackers, etc., but...still.)

And as much

Yeah, I went ahead and went back through the entire thing, myself. I'd forgotten how soul-crushing episode 5 is.

Wait a second. RDR and Uncharted 2 are crap, but inFamous is remarkable?

"But, like, is anyone going to go "hey, this is a great movie because of this?" Most people will discount that and say "doesn't matter when the structure, story, and acting are deeply problematic." That's my approach."

Right, but that's not ignoring the look of the film. That's just weighing it against the other