
Weird. So if one subreddit (Pokemon Go) throws a tantrum they get applauded on Kotaku, while another gets mocked.

It is a single player game.

Wait, people actually spent money on this game?

I’m ready for the SNES games!!!!

Why is half this article about his Ghostbusters comments? He has been making videos for years and this is the focus?

Like the Pixels comparison. It looks like it will be just as bad and pointless as that.

I always got the impression that Ramis death definitely played a big part in his disappointment

Dead honest? I don’t think anything could get me excited at this point. The franchise has burned me to many times. Even Sonic 4 burned me, so I couldn’t trust them to make a 2D game anymore.

Is there going to be some kind of hotbar to set up quick equips, or quick equip food to cut down on unnecessary menu use during combat? It seemed to really cut the flow in the gameplay videos.

Well I am hyped

Actually it sounds like they overthought it. They could of just said that they see the three key characters in Zelda games as Link, Zelda, and Ganon and just didn’t want to change it.

Maybe hold out for the NX.

Thank you. A proper trailer or teaser would be nice. Some hint of what the hell is going on.

Lovedisc wants a word about being the worst

Lord and queen of all Zubats in an eldritch horror to me.

Bran calls to Ned while he is cleaning Ice in the godswood and Ned acts like he hears Bran. He writes it off as the wind, but the implication is the same as the show scene. That Bran can influence past events.

Hodor’s name means Hold the Door. There isn’t any lying about it and there is only so many ways to do it and it will involve Brans warging.

What? That the Drowned God is real and is going to basically be Cthulu?

Ya he is angry it has followed the books. This is a novel concept.

Seeing as Hodor’s origin came directly from George, and Bran has already called out to and was heard by Ned and Theon. Ya the time travelling is a thing. Best make your peace with it now.