
Not alone buddy. I liked it too. People are 100% allowed to dislike this movie, but no reason to shame people for liking it.

He pancaked and shot at a bunch of Lex’s goons while going for the kyptonite, and knocked out a few more in the Batwing when going to save Martha.

Mike: Snyder set the tone early with the worst on-screen version of Batman’s origins I have ever seen. Bruce Wayne and his parents walking down the street, a mugger accosts them with a gun, and Thomas Wayne takes a swing at him.

Why are we so mad about this? It was the first time they finally spent so little time on his origin, and it actually did tie into the climax of the film being a reason why the two stopped fighting (whether you think that reason was dumb or not is your business, but it still tied in).

I respect all of your opinions, but I enjoyed the film, thought it was bloated and overly ambitious but entertaining none the less, and I am looking forward to the next set of movies (Wonder Woman especially).

Solid Cloud cosplay

Basically Nintendo needs to tell people what the rules are and there should be a way to fix and re-upload a stage instead of rebuilding from scratch if they mess up or it accidently got lost in the shuffle if the deleting is just Nintendo doing house cleaning.

Well first its just a kid, and that is still quite the commitment to creating something.

This was legit. Neville broke his shin and ankle (there is a clip of when it happened and the way he leg bends is gross) Jerhcio rightly lost his shit on the ref for not counting and ending the match right there. He improvised as best he could.

He continued his feud with AJ Styles

Finally the secret to a sucess Roman push revealed.

Sadly it isn’t decent scripted entertainment right now

Send this kid to EVO to clean house.

With two eyes!

Super Mario RPG is a simple and rather easy game. A great starter RPG for players before they venture into the lands of Final Fantasy, Dragonquest and beyond.

There was still a trick to get t to work. I recall an article explaining the process but can't find it.

Pewds is an ass, but the devloper reacted over the top too. If he wants to continue to develop games he needs thicker skin.

PewDiePie is total dick, but on the other side Farjay seems to be way to sensitive.

Plus Mechs...giant mechs

I doubt there would be nearly as much backlash if there was at least a hint of a new Proper Metroid game on the horizon.