It’s just driving in the snow it’s not like it’s pumping your own gas or anything.
It’s just driving in the snow it’s not like it’s pumping your own gas or anything.
All I want is for Toyota to actually build this thing and sell it in the US. My actual list of wants is about 50 bullet points long, but I’ve negotiated myself down to things that are somewhat realistic and don’t require a national or global shift in consumer preference.
Besides I don’t want to go to work smelling of gas when I get it on my hands or clothes
I don’t want to make $200 million movies about superheroes.
That wasn’t drool.
Yeah, his mom was there.
Some (LOTS) of these knuckle-draggers need to stop acting like they know better than the people engineering these sports cars.
He confirmed that while he was at Ferrari, the firm poured money into developing a manual gearbox for the then-new California - to sell only two manual cars globally during its lifetime.
That was a bit dull to be honest. It was a 10 lap race with no lead changes, no real close racing, and not really even anything much to satisfy the casuals that just want to see car crashes. The most generous thing I can say about that race is that because it was only 7 minutes long at least it didn’t waste too much…
I’ve driven Beats and Cappuccinos at Duncan Imports (it’s like right in my backyard). To me the Cappuccino is just too tight in the cabin area. I’m not a huge guy (6'1" 200lbs.) but with a light jacket on I literally could not move in a Cappuccino. I’ve owned, driven, and ridden in some very small cars, but nothing…
Duncan Imports is a fantastic place to lose like 8 hours of your life. It’s everything. JDM, American Muscle, pristine VW buses, Japanese fire trucks, Japanese hearses, just all kinds of cool stuff. The only thing I wish there was more of is cool Euros we never got, but the thing to remember is that this place is…
I think cuck is fantastic. It has that short, perfect “-ck” punch that “fuck” has except at both ends. It’s right up there with “velvet” in terms of perfectly satisfying word to say. The only drawback is that it’s one of a small handful of words that doesn’t pair nicely with “fuck” because of the aforementioned…
I suspect that we will drop some and converge towards a smaller set of pronouns with clear consensus on what they mean.
I don’t know if it’s so much that he can’t lose as it is that Democrats can’t not lose.
For all the editor’s talk of “diminishing authority” does it not somewhat diminish the editor’s authority to have rampant typographical and grammatical errors in the notes? Like yeah, I’m really going to take your writing advice into consideration when you fuck up “your/you’re” usage.
This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke
Please do not encourage people to subject themselves to Bill Nye Saves the World.
So a major Democrat donor thought that collecting email addresses to the tune of $5.36 a pop would be a more effective use of his money than giving it to Democrats again. Seems like a statement in and of itself.
I think the first generation CR-V is really an unappreciated beauty. Let’s take a moment to praise its simple, utilitarian design choices in contrast to the ugly garbage on offer 20 years later.
I can’t tell whether you’re calling people confused by the moment dumb or the the people that gasped and had vocal reactions to it. Probably a distinction without a difference.