Racing Turtles

I LOVED this dress. Simple, but with interest, flattering and age-appropriate.

What are you people, nineteen? My organs can't handle that much sugar. If I recover from the sugar shock, I'll be puking and shitting pepto bismol from both ends. Just pass me the 18+ year old Islay single malt and turn your damn rap music down. It's 10 o'clock and Perry Mason is on TV.

Demonicillin? Beelzebuboxil? Luciferizole?

What antibiotic works on demonic infestations?

Dax, is that you? You should get that pinkeye looked at by the ship's doctor.

I just don't understand why it's so fun to make fun of anyone's looks. I mean, I know that there are some really strange looking babies. I have a friend with a seven week old and he looks like a little man already, not a cuddly baby but a man. I'd still eat his little face up. Why do we get the free pass in knocking

My late husband used to insist that all babies came out looking like Winston Churchill.

Are you kidding me? Why on earth did this make the news, even Fox news? Ugly babies exist. People make fun of them behind their parents' backs. People are not 100% nice all the time. This is a normal thing. What's next, a report about how some guy made fun of the way another guy threw a ball?

I just sent this off to Sony...

Will she ask the same question to Pope about celibacy?

I was very disconcerted and uncomfortable with the emphasis, in the headlines from UK media coverage I saw, on the little girl's blonde-ness and the way the articles kept referring to her as a "young blonde girl" and repeatedly emphasizing that she is blonde. As if the blondeness is what makes the whole thing a real

Thanks for this post Lindy. Just do a google search for "Roma parents" or "Roma/blonde" and the headlines about the "blonde angel" and the "parents worldwide" who are hoping she is theirs are really striking.

How would most parents react if the kids used the N word ? How would they react if a kid used the word faggot as a slur? Words like that , when tolerated, built into a young mind as permission to be racist and homophobic, We must devellop the same no-mercy, no-tolerance attitude towards degrading words and gestures

From the wisdom of Tumblr:

My excuse?

These deleted scenes you speak of... where does one find them? For science purposes. Or medical. Whatever sounds most legit and not like I am trying to ogle.

the boondock saints is THE shit, you mean.

and the notebook sucks :/

just look at baby Norman's O'face. so cute.