
I wonder if she and her team are cynical enough to have explicitly planned for someone to audibly insist that she ought to turn off the camera. It sounds a bit off to me that they might’ve told her to stop the stream – which would’ve resulted in huge backlash from fans – instead of silently (but frantically) signaling

Any therapist worth their salt would never agree to this.

Wow, everything about that “therapy” session sounds so staged and obnoxious.

That sketch always skeeved me out.

The concept itself makes me uncomfortable.

Maybe instead of her minders being focused on staying on message maybe they should keep an eye on her mental health?

I hate this. Please don’t let this become a trend.

I work at Starbucks and I’ve been called worse by middle class mombie bitches when I don’t get all 18 modifications of their skinny vanilla latte-half caf-extra hot-soy-with whip-grande in a venti cup-with 6 ice cubes- right on the first go and have to ask them repeat it.

The ‘70s were rough for Adam West, trying to escape the typecasting. He was invited as the headliner to a Detroit comic convention that I worked for in ‘84 or ‘85 (with the bottom of the list of invitees being a couple of kids who had just started a comic book called “the Teenagee Mutant Ninja Turtles”). I believe

Briefly, the ‘60s Batman series inspired me - as a kid - to start staging and performing my own “Batman fights”. First in the school playground, where they were realistic enough to get us into trouble, and then in school plays. Then I started martial arts training, which led to professional wrestling and film

I think you misread that. She said he played Batman in the show, and then later on did parodies of his performance in the show.

Take a chill pill, stop being an Angry Geek, re-read that paragraph, and come to an understanding of what Katharine actually wrote: that in his later career he parodied the show, which he did.

“The Predisent is new at this. He’s new to the truth, and so he probably wasn’t steeped in the long-running protocols that establish the relationships between reality, honesty, and accountability. He’s just new to this.”

I think he deliberately misunderstood the question so that he could say no. Because, of course he asked for loyalty. He thinks he’s the godfather.

Sinn Fein have responded that the Tory/DUP alliance contravenes the terms of the Good Friday agreement. This is SO fucking dicey. May is a moron. And a dangerous one.

Desperate times make people do disastrous and dangerous things to retain power.

But she needs them to cling on to power, and she makes stupid decisions...

“Right-wing populist party” is an understatement... the DUP was actively involved with paramilitary forces during the Troubles, they’re literally terrorists.