
You are completely avoiding my point.

Merkel flat out said today Germany and Europe cannot depend on the US. Trump blabbed code-word secret information to the Russians jeopardizing an Israeli agent. Needless to say Israel was pissed and you don’t think they are going to think twice about what intelligence they’ll share with us? You’re fooling yourself if

Now playing

RIP Gregg. As someone already stated, his music will live on.

So Republicans, how do you feel about treason?

Which is why we continually drop bombs on their countries. Also, we need to stop deflecting and address the all too real problem of the young white males becoming radicalized and being fed propaganda.

Because he knew it would leak. It would be all over Breitbart and it would look like he was trying to cover it up by playing coy. It’s amazing how Russian propaganda fed into the Right Wing rage machine and played them like a fiddle.

I have to give Obama some slack here. If he went public McConnell and that gang would have accused the sitting President of the United States of interfering with a democratic election to help his preferred candidate. How do you think the deplorables would have handled that?

It still amuses me that Republicans have complete control of all branches of government and are imploding. Not so easy governing instead of just saying “no” and blaming Obama lol 😂

Because he knew it would leak if he didn’t. Giuliani, Chaffetz, et al were giddy with the news breaking. Comey was in a damned if he did damned if he didn’t situation.

I think Mitch McConnell needs to pop out his shell and tell us why.

This whole tour is amazing. The Right screamed about Saudi “pay for play” with Hillary. But guess who got a $100,000,000 donation right after her husband finalized the arms deal with Saudi Arabia? And the Right screamed about Obama bowing. Trump curtsied!lol lol

Lol at his retweet. Their stupidity never ceases to amaze me. Since when did being a neo-nazi scumbag become a protected class?

Just an FYI, this is the man largely responsible for ending Net Neutrality.

But you know for a Democratic President lying under oath about a bj in the Oval Office is an impeachable offense.

It is really, really bad. He was compromised by the Russians, had one of the highest security clearance to our country’s intelligence, and someone posted below he held off our military operation at the request of Turkey. The Trump administration knew he was under investigation before giving him job and lied about

It still makes me so angry that the man who said “If I did a tenth of what Hillary did, I would be in jail..lock her up” pretty much committed treason. Unfreakingbelievable.

Check the story breaking in the NYT. They are reporting the transition team (aka Pence) knew Flynn was under investigation and still gave him the job. He has some explaining to do.

Hello darkness my old friend..

Dastardly Clinton added to her body count right? The 90s really are back 😂

Because since Russia helped Trump win the election and they approve of Putin’s treatment of LGBT he’s right up their alley.