
Or the distinction between Crack and Cocaine sentencing. Specifically targets low income communities.

Funny (or not so funny) but these “isolated incidents” aren’t feeling so isolated.

I would but I’m feeling verklempt.  

Is it confirmed they successfully hacked the RNC? I thought they tried but weren’t successful.

But that was with just Flynn and they could say “he’s gone now so we’re ok.” Now we’re talking multiple high level campaign members and I don’t think the leaks are over. How much longer can they keep defending him while this scandal gets bigger and bigger?

Republicans are going to have to investigate now...right? This is jaw dropping stuff and corruption from the very top.

I also can’t figure what they have to gain by trying to bury this. They will be known as the party owned by Russia if they don’t address this.

I would if I had any confidence the Republicans who could actually provide oversight gave a damn. But hey those 33 Congressional hearings over two years costing tax payers millions investigating BENGHAZI were sure beneficial.

Maddening isn’t it.

Oh they still have their heads up their ass. The Republican Party of 2017 ladies and gentlemen.

How many disasters has she had in the last few weeks alone? It was “alternative facts” followed by the “Bowling Green Massacre” and now saying Trump stands behind Flynn only to have him quit hours later. What the hell is going on at the White House?

This is definitely the story to watch and I think it’s just the beginning.

THIS!! We need to demand Congressional hearings and get them on record about what the President and VP knew and when. This goes straight to the top and I don’t believe Pence, who lead the transition team, didn’t know what was going on.

The whole White House is a hot mess. It’s falling apart and it’s something to see. Spokespeople contradicting themselves and now Flynn has the distinction of being one of the shortest serving advisors in modern history.

He’s just sucking up to his constituents. He represents Wisconsin “America’s Dairyland”

Pretty much everything you said is wrong. First, the Mobile County NAACP leader denies giving him an “award.” “She went on to say it also was difficult to believe that Sessions could have forgotten about getting an award from a group that has regularly given him “F” ratings in its evaluations and vigorously opposed

Oh let’s not forget that close to three million more people wanted her to be President than Trump. However, I do agree it’s time to move on and look to the future of the Democratic Party.

What’s changed? The Republicans have become caricatures of themselves at this point.

Yup, the Right wing “support our troops” go USA!!! were silent when Trump insulted a gold star family. Their hypocrisy never ceases to amaze me.