You are comparing Muslim refugees and green card holders to Nazis?
You are comparing Muslim refugees and green card holders to Nazis?
So you’re not even disguising your name anymore Tomato?
Donation to the ACLU made. It’s now more important than ever to support these groups that can push back.
Has that been verified?
But if we now sit back and let Trump steamroll over the constitution with his truly awful executive orders...we are complicit.
Speaking of immigration are you planning on covering this piece of propaganda bullshit signed by Trump today? Publishing a weekly list of crimes committed by immigrants? This is terrifying.
And the federal government should be building a worthless wall that will cost tax payers billions...right?
I am a staunch liberal, but I don’t believe I have ever voted straight Democratic down ballot.
Yeah, I have zero confidence the Democrats in Congress will put up any fight. Franken might get in a few good questions and they can talk tough during hearings. But it seems like they cave every.single.time.
That saying has been made into a joke. I’m surprised Trump hasn’t proposed returning the Statue of Liberty to France.
This! I am so sick of them whining about how we have to be tolerant of their intolerance.
Lol he does indeed have that cocky asshole character down. It’s interesting how people’s taste in movies differ. I remember watching Whiplash (the other Academy darling that year) and thinking meh and really enjoyed Birdman.
Counterpoint: Michael Keaton and Edward Norton were amazing in Birdman.
Party over country. The Republican way. Looks for those sanctions against Russia to be lifted ASAP and Exxon and Putin rake in the profits. Rubio and McCain will pearl clutch when the Trump Administration continues to cozy up to Russia but they won’t do a damn thing.
What corruption? And Hillary was able to mind control millions of people to vote for her? Her evilness knows no bounds!!!
Wow! You know more than 17 intelligence agencies and those dumbass liberal snowflakes Senator John McCain and Senator Lindsey Graham?
THE FBI ALREADY INVESTIGATED. She has been investigated again and again and again and again. “The FBI’s investigation did find several thousand emails among those deleted that were work-related and should have been turned over to the State Department. However, FBI Director James Comey said in a July 2016 statement…
Agreed, the more we laugh and mock it the better. It sends the message that we’re not buying their bs. I also hope it emboldens the media as well.