I always wonder if she purposefully dresses bad in order to appear "edgy" or if she simply has no taste?!?
I always wonder if she purposefully dresses bad in order to appear "edgy" or if she simply has no taste?!?
I'm a straight female, yet I am mesmerised by the perfection of that cleavage!
Wa wa wooooom, amazing! That colour looks stunning on her, love it!!!!
I'm German so no need to be patronising. I can read too, and apparently understand what went on in the whole "incest" debate a whole lot better than you did. *eyeroll
I presume you are Irish? Just a little tip my friend, using as many "fecks" as you can does not an argument maketh. Ireland is 100% responsible for the mess they are in, having built their boom economy on the back of the big banks that then crashed and burnt. Same with Iceland, mind you. I find it hilarious that you…
Amen to what you say about the EU countries holding out their hands while simultaneously moaning about having to change their ways, calling Merkel Hitler etc. France was the most outrageous one to me - crying over their retirement at 60 being touched when here in Germany the age will be raised to 67 soon. Please…
She isn't a racist and neither are members of the green party. Hopefully, the extreme polemics of the campaign will stop now, it really got dreadfully unproductive in the end! I am hoping that whoever Merkel forms a coalition with will insist on stopping the "Herdpraemie" - wasn't it the CSU's brain child? Ugh, such a…
Nonsense, they don't want the legalisation of incest, what bullshit are your spewing, willfully misrepresenting what happened! I can totally see why you voted for Merkel now, you probably also think homosexuality is a sin, *eyeroll.
Who exactly died because of Germany not giving them money? Oh, that's right, absolutely no one! Nice polemics here, how about some substantial arguments? The Greek economy went downhill because Greece has tons of problems with corruption and bad money mismanagement. That's no one's but their own fault, it was a long…
My 67-year old mum wept too, so did my 41-year old sister...
Yep, and she isn't keen on gay adoption rights either. A sad day for Germany and absolutely no reason to be happy, Jezebel.
As another German I can tell you that you are very, very wrong.
Germany has already paid out billions. How about European countries get their shit together themselves instead of just holding their hands out to Germans while at the same time whining they have to pull the belt tighter due to their own ineptitude? I'm no fan of Merkel at all, but she was right when it comes to Greece…
Her party is the "Christian Democratic" party, so how can this surprise you?! The CDU was also very outspokenly against civil unions of gay and lesbian couples and only changed its tune when it became clear that the majority of Germans were for those.
Yeah, but we might get an absolute majority for the CDU. I'm off to watch kitten videos and do vodka shots now. *weeps
As a German I can tell you that one a single word in your comment is correct. Oh, except for what you said about Thatcher being a war criminal.
Lulz, ain't that the truth!
Even the Anxiety of Influence is full of male chauvinism (being all about male poets and "the fathers of poetry", as if women didn't write poetry, ever, UGH!). Bloom is so uncomfortably patronising and in so love with himself and his penis, it makes reading his stuff really difficult due to the constant urge to roll…
Yeah, those were usually the high strung girls for sure.r
"First lesbian president." Damn you America, you just HAVE to beat us Germans and our first female (straight) chancellor, don't you?!? What's next, first gay, Black, Muslim president in a bi-racial relationship with an Asian guy?! How can we compete with this?!