
Wow, all 82 of the Jets fans read Deadspin? Who'd of thought.

I actually kinda dig that

How bout popov with some tree bark scraped into it? That will cost, what, $4?

What's that thing on the far right?

Seriously, X3 molded was glorious... No idea how they screwed it up so badly, the formula was already solved. They just had to polish it a bit and add a story/more ships.

I want this please. Thanks!

I had no idea what he was talking about, then I saw your comment.

Ha, thanks adblock!

Maybe they made a secret commando mission to the local BMW dealer and stole it.

Are you saying that you wouldn't drop $50k for a Kia good sir?


It's a Kia, more like $15k gently used

Still, the K900's predicted price range of $50K to $65K may be enough less than the mainstream luxury cars for people to stop giving a rat's rectum about the badge on the car — I'm curious to see what happens.

You are significantly more flexible then I am then.

But will it baby?

I stress again: Bear. Lamborghini. Bear in Lamborghini. Realness of bear. Bear-present-ness of Lamborghini. Lambearghini.

Chocolate milk and a toy space shuttle... What else do you really need in life?

What makes you think it's tessellation? It might be as simple as mesh swapping based on LOD ranges.

So much ignorance here it's hilarious

Nah, they're too busy reading Gawker to notice

Wait a tick... You think unionizing would bring BACK manufacturing jobs?

I'm just waiting for the "I went to New Mexico and all I got was this crappy anal probe" shirts.