Elwood Grobnik

You can’t buy the world, because the total amount of money in the world is equal to the total amount of goods and services there is to buy, by definition. But the world has natural resources that can’t easily be extracted, and these aren’t adequately priced by the money economy. (Basically a dollar is a unit of

As I recall, the Bush Administration was pretty goddamn disastrous. The Middle East in flames, the collapse of the financial system, the Great Recession . . . Bush’s singular domestic policy effort, Social Security reform, was a non-starter, and his glorious appointments to the supreme court (after a failed attempt to

Was there any relationship to the old “Outpost” game from the 90s? Some elements sound similar, and that game was cool.

I pretty much agree. The original will always be my personal favorite, but the slower pace of the first half has made it difficult to get my 8 year old son (who thinks Harry Potter is way better). But I put Empire on and it hooked him - he loved the AT-ATs, Yoda, the asteroid monster and the epic swordfight. Precisely

So far I love Marvel’s Darth Vader comics. They’ve made him into a more specific character without at all making him less scary. “All I am surrounded by is fear and dead men,” Vader’s response when told he should surrender because he’s surrounded by an entire division, proves to be a threat he’s quite capable of

Torn about this. I dislike the Bush family about as much as anyone who can remember the last 25 years. He’s the worst of the Presidential contenders, if only because electing another Bush is essentially voting for another pointless war. Giving one of these guys a microphone and no script is guaranteed to get you some

No, it's 1980 or later, the generation that camo of age at the Millennium. Hence the name.

I just fail to see what's so offensive about this. It's not really my thing, either, and Miss Muffy and the Muff Mob did a better send up of Gin and Juice like 15 years ago. But the worst thing on Facebook? You know there are actual hate groups on Facebook, as well as pages dedicated to the disgusting "puck up artist"

PvZ2 has my seven year old begging me to buy him special, limited time offer plants for $10 a pop.

It's just another (dumb) example of white people on the internet re-purposing urban slang. It's a female version of "bro," in a nutshell:

Hadn't heard the term "basic" used quite in this way, although I am quite familiar with the Trixie. I'm actually in West Town as I write this - it's not made up, it's officially Community Area # 24 but people call the northern half of it Ukranian Village. Anyway the Trixie invasion is not nearly as troubling as the

The Midwest. In no way should Michigan and Kansas be thought of as in the same region. But is the Great Plains part of the Midwest or not? I say no, but it's by no means a settle question.

My question is, can you build Chicago or Brooklyn yet? Most older cities developed without zoning, and feature neighborhoods with mixed-use buildings, people living over storefronts etc. I loved the original game initially, but eventually became frustrated with having to zone parcels either commercial or residential

Morales is not dead. He thought the plan to go back to Atlanta to the CDC was too dangerous, so he and his family drove off toward Birmingham.