Elwood Grobnik

Hadn't heard the term "basic" used quite in this way, although I am quite familiar with the Trixie. I'm actually in West Town as I write this - it's not made up, it's officially Community Area # 24 but people call the northern half of it Ukranian Village. Anyway the Trixie invasion is not nearly as troubling as the

The Midwest. In no way should Michigan and Kansas be thought of as in the same region. But is the Great Plains part of the Midwest or not? I say no, but it's by no means a settle question.

My question is, can you build Chicago or Brooklyn yet? Most older cities developed without zoning, and feature neighborhoods with mixed-use buildings, people living over storefronts etc. I loved the original game initially, but eventually became frustrated with having to zone parcels either commercial or residential

Morales is not dead. He thought the plan to go back to Atlanta to the CDC was too dangerous, so he and his family drove off toward Birmingham.