

I got into a round of shit-talking with a friend on my FB wall, and when she posted "your momma so stupid, [insert crude second half here]," my mom immediately followed with "I'm not stupid; I have a master's degree!"

They don't even match. Mom is wearing a Gray Pinstripe, but the son is definitely rocking more of a Silver Mink, or even Wales Gray. Pfft, amateur.

OMG I was thinking the EXACT same thing! **high fives through interwebz**

Geez man, when you start to hear all these stories of what a weird old creep Alan Thicke was back in the 80s, it's just like NO WONDER Kirk Cameron went all super Jesus on everybody. Shit, no wonder.

Mostly this just makes me sad because Dr. Seaver was such a nice man.

My lack of watching garbage (or any) television is showing...

It's actually The Today Show, not GMA

You know what would be great? If Jezebel.com would interview her about her work. It's not as big a platform as the Today Show, but since we're all sitting here griping about how she got conned out of her chance to tell a broad audience about her nonprofit...

There are a lot of things about this that give me the icks, but one of them is when Simone tries to slip in a comment about her giving back to the community at the end, and Al doesn't respond to her, but instead turns to her boyfriend as says, "She's very determined, isn't she?" like she's his precocious daughter or

I hope this lands her and her organization some free publicity on the talk show circuit! Hey Ellen, why not give her a call...? :)

I'm an oblivious, male, fat, jerk corporate lawyer and even Ithink this was oblivious on the dude's part and (unsurprisingly) garbage on GMA's part. Oh that sharting jokester, Roker!

Yes, I used to think my mom was very hip and with it for letting me dress like a goth in middle school. But in retrospect, I realize it was her terrible plan to embarrass me all along...

Earnest Hemingway's mom dressed him like a girl for the first three years or so of his life. Which might explain a few things...

Aristocratic look of mild disdain for commoners in view... check!

Curse him like an evil queen in a fairy tale!!!! Oh...just me? Okay... :(

Would it make it better if I told you that he was looking at his great gran, Queen Elizabeth? I don't really know how to explain that face but it does seem like the baby version of bitch-face, so I totally love it.