Eleanor, by the Wrath of God, Queen of the Knitting

Its a dilemma, its got to be said

I know. Sometimes people scare me.

Ha! Thank you :) I have a real thing for badass historical women

True, but more importantly, in this case they cast an actress which fitted in almost exactly with how the books described her. This isn't a case of 'how could they have cast someone fatter, blonde, thinner, uglier, prettier etc' than in the book, its a bunch of people being racist fucks.

Lol thank you. I've knitted 3 sleeves for this jumper so far, and I still don't have two that are the right length! I'm this close to throwing it out of the window :)

I wouldn't be as bothered if you could see it before you used it. But you really wouldn't know. Ahh!

She isn't headless but Eleanor of Aquitaine is awesome. As is Christina of Sweden. God I love bad ass historical women.

I wouldn't spend that much on something Marie Antoinette related, but I get terrifyingly fangirly about Eleanor of Aquitaine, and I would sell my brother for something related to her. Given how much other crap people buy when they have that kind of money, buying something unique and historical makes perfect sense to me

I haven't seen it but whaaaa?!??? The colour of Buttercup's fur was the whole reason she was called buttercup surely?!

Ah ok, I've always wanted to try mineral makeup, but always assumed it wouldn't have enough coverage- didn't realise you could make it into a liquid foundation as well! That looks really interesting- I'll definitely be looking into it, thank you!

Ah ok, the website implied they just did skincare- I obviously didn't look carefully enough! Thanks, I'll look into both of those :)

That looks great, thank you

Thanks- I don't really find that foundation irritates my rosacea, but that I can't find a foundation that gives it enough coverage while still being pale enough for my skin. I'll definitely keep an eye out for the clinique one- I know I tried a greeny corrector from them a few years ago, but I've never tried a

Thank you- I'll have a look. If its a good product, it'll be worth spending the money on. Any recommendations as to a particular product they make that's good?

Oh dear. I just knitted two different length sleeves for a jumper. Its a fail moment for both of us!

Can anybody give me any foundation recommendation?

Yeah I know what you mean unfortunately. The only thing i ever do is avoid the kitchen as much as poss, and try and schedule in break, so that I don't feel food is the only way I can justify one.

I don't have any ways of dealing with it, as I do exactly the same thing. I tend to find its worse when I'm bored, but particularly when I'm tired- have you been getting enough sleep?

Thank you for that! I'm going to be there for years... they'll find me wasted away, with my eyes still glued to that webpage...

That gif is just hypnotizing- I can't stop watching it! Oh well there goes me getting that essay done...