
That looks a lot more like a soccer field than an airport.

Carprosam, just fuck off already. No one finds you smart or interesting by your mocking of others.

That's not a bad analogy actually. Most of the time when people are booing a wrestler it is still in good fun. They boo the ones they love to hate, like booing against the black knight. A heel wrestlers job is to get people to hate them, so of course the jeers don't upset them. What happened the other night was

Most of us just said WTF? and bitched about it online like fans of any other show would. Only a select few could care as much as this guy. It really has nothing to do with wrestling, but some people just get overly invested in a fantasy because they can't relate to the real world.

Then take a train and shut up.

Yeah, I love the outrage from someone breaking multiple laws in adverse conditions.

Riiiiight. It has nothing to do with you being an asshole who thinks you are more important than everyone else and should therefore get right up to the cones before putting on your blinker and cutting everyone else off. That trucker was actually HELPING the flow of traffic, but since you are a narcissistic piece of

Yeah, but you never notice that every time YOU cut off a semi, it takes them a mile just to get back up to speed.

Snape kills Dumbledore!

Because everyone doesn't own 20 guns in Russia.

Oquendo ran away because he knew a throw would be coming from that corner in foul territory to the plate. Unlike Middlebrooks, he did not want to be called for obstruction, so he got the hell out of the way.

But she can never be identified because they all look the same.

I don't know why so many people hated ME3, I loved each and every one of them. I've never been so interested in finding out about each characters back stories to which the depth was amazing.

Then why are women such bad tippers?

williams was also dropping bows on that niner before he got up to push the ref

"Unfortunately, the Echo fell on deaf ears and Sprint stopped selling the devie in the fall of 2011. We haven't seen anything like it since."

mass and weight are not the same

yeah, I am SURE that the 15 year old Texan driving a Lambo belongs to the OWS movement.

I can't wait for you to have a gay kid.