I think it was just a race. draw the fastest dicks to be the first person to upload them.
I think it was just a race. draw the fastest dicks to be the first person to upload them.
the one where the dick moves and penetrates at least had some effort in it. but this was super inevitable. hopefully it curves into normal content soonish
Atleast thats only with arsen, normal is more akin to a missed witch-time from Bayo, aside the one part with short knockback and small damage. But yeah his Arsen-amped Down-B is literally just palutena.
I had no issues with her myself, I went through the entire hirata estate as soon as getting the bell so I had nothing much to help me, but still got her in ...5 or 6 tries? Unless you meant to reply to the other person
Deflect her rapid attacks [the timing isnt that bad], just jump back for both her threatening attacks with the symbol. when she charges after throwing knives, dash back, deflect. For the second phase if you’ve run out of snap seeds, you can just run around the arena I believe. Best of luck brother
if there was any indie creator I would trust with millions it’d be the Dwarf Fortress Devs
The prices increase but the features and quality of their service has been paling in comparison to other services.
I didn’t even notice until I read this comment. Those little blue dots will drive me crazy in an otherwise nice update.
Holy shit, Dwarf Fortress on steam, for the rest of the broad public to see... Amazing times, shame that the push that caused it is healthcare.
Someone with a head on their shoulders must have been promoted or hired
if they just give me the giant sandworm we can honestly call it a day, theyve done good
YAaaaaasss I just wanna play some halo 2 online like the good ol days
Sad to see it go, but The roster doesnt have room for two smashes anymore, especially with series like SC, MK, and UNIST. UNIST IS IN THATS SO GOOD, worth Melee dying at one of its dozen summer majors.
you take the damage.
You’ll also be able to waive/forgive a teamkill if it was truly an accident so your teammate isnt walking on eggshells in fear of accidentally hurting a friendly.
Really appreciate both the DQ 11 pieces that were written, the put a lot of my scrambled eggbrain thoughts into words.
Every locale was so unique and interesting, like the quests that lied within them. That Mermaid storyline really broke me, but in the end I’m glad I told her the truth. I rarely care as much about the NPC’s as I did in this game.
It was changed, yes. Brawl did many things to neuter competition, like add *tripping*. I believe that wavedashing is back in a very weak capacity in Ultimate though. The way aerial momentum transfers has just changed over the entries, it was different in Melee.
But sure yes, lets say its `breaking the game`. Who does…
illegitimate game breaking glitches? how is retaining aerial momentum gamebreaking? it still exists. or L cancelling, something that was later just added to the games permanently? And the controller argument is very old at this point, given most locals and majors will run UCF or arduinos to give everyones controllers…
Cant wait for it on PC, the Leshen is siiiick, and this whole collab seems to have been themed really well.