
If they cut it there and then returned to it, maybe so. The second half definitely needed more work. and I think the beach episode was fine, really. It did more than just dance around with fanservice, at least.

Let down of the year, though still thouroughly enjoyed. Ep 15 definitely peaked. The show laid down an interesting premise and foundation and just totally failed to deliver and build on it in the right ways.

> this is the guy whose mom would enter his room in the middle of the night with a knife and talk to him about how wonderful it would be if they killed themselves together.

Christ. Were they both just that struggling and depressed or was she just crazy? Seems like the former. I knew the guy had an addled past, but

Absolutely, It’s really great. I’ve found some of my best friends through old communities like that.

When I got RCT2 in a humble bundle last year, I was amazed at how active the community still is, especially with projects like openRCT2 

Every E-sport deserves an analytics / data expert. It really takes the insight and mental process of the game to the next level.

Playing the game for a bit has really upped my interest and investment in these articles that already got me into the game. 

All the game made me want to do is play the old diner dash games.

yeah I figured this out pretty quickly. It’s basically a big ad for groups. so I just sit on the planet I want the game giveaway on until its done. Gonna totally nab DBFZ

Really cool colors and design. Cant wait to see more for this one

What a great Underdog story. Very glad he got in.


Metroid Prime 4 gameplay, and an F Zero game will do it for me maybe?

Im partial. I wish it coulda been a wait 2 more years and have a `releasing this winter`. but also knowing its coming is so damn reassuring.

Bethesda absolutely killed it wow. So much from one dev/publisher. Starfield, Rage, Doom, Skyrim, Fallout. insaaaane. Will be hard to top I think.


this is all I expected was a title drop, after all the other stuff they announced. my god, starfield and this. lets goooooo

We know there was a leak before but seeing this still got me so damn hype. Sequel to DMC 4 WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Skeptical Optimism. Soundtrack still banger.

Warframe : The Division.

Skeptical as fuck, but if they can do what division couldnt and be competent on day 1 then who knows.

Them trying to force co op down the games throat and not scaling gameplay really fucking blows though, but Ive handled myself in other similar games.

This is one of those games that I didnt know I wanted a sequel to but am super happy to get a sequel to

I *do* hope they bring back Smash 3DS special mode.