
Another problem you might face is Multiple conciousnesses competing for dominance. You have your original brain, then you have the copy you uploaded. Heaven forbid you need to prove which one was the original consiousness if something happens in the future.

There was in the tv series a bot that had all of the original owners mind copied into it and the body was replaced with a mobile box.

In the first and original movie, thats what happened, but in reverese. An A.I. gathered the collective consiousness of the people connected to the NET and then it found a physical body in wich to bind itself. The end result was the human brain and the a.i. melded into one mind.

And therein lies one of the questions in the actual tv series and movies. 'Am I truly myself or am I a digital representation or aproximitation of what I am supposed to be?'

You know its going to happen... But does it recognize peni yet?

But if we read it as roman numerals it would read 2-2-2, thats not a real data, unless your computer still has that y2k bug or you are starting a new era.

So I can diddle my phone through my pants, and be able to say its my phone and I'm not really happy to see you.

Can someone tell me what the article says, I can't seem to stop looking at the picture.

Utterly ridculous. She should have used my taxpayer mony and sent a personal shopper and seperated herself from the normal people. See at least that would create jobs.

How much did Nokia pay for NavTeq?

I use ie9 as my primary browser. The biggest problem I have is going to websites that see my browser as is, then give it ie6 code and then is tries to render it in html standards mode. It gets messy.

I elevated the turret on boxes before i called the Funicular, this way they couldnt hide behind the railing. Then i took the turret with me downstairs and let it do all the shooting till it was destroied.

You plain simply are copying it wrong. You press the icon to paste, then you watch it slide to the left after it is pressed. SLIDE the area above the keyboard to the right and the icon slides back. Learn to use your phone before complaining.

You will get mango. The update you are talking about is a security update to the browser. According to Microsoft, if your carrier skips an update they are mandated to give you the next following update, in your case you MUST get mango. All updates are cumulative, so they have all previous update are applied to your

The evils of sex addiction. Kirby Can't go a minute without sucking or blowing something.

A related quote:

It makes sense to me.

Don't forget to take your Vita Mems

I'm still waiting for the second Coded Arms game to be on PSN. I think the Ghost in the Shell game isnt there either.

Didn't Google say that they blur out people in pictures before hey get online? Aren't they supposed to curate these pictures? This is why other countries litigate Google street-view into subjugation.