
You do know this story is false right? Says it right here on KOTAKU: [m.kotaku.com]

Slayers correct?

Now playing

"I am not an animal! I am a human being!"

Yea though I walk through the valley of uncanny. I fear no evil....


Totally agree with you.

They pay them to breach thier security then tell them descretly so they can fix it. None of this was discreet. I don't break into your home and steal your home porn collection then post it on the internet and say that i was doing it to teach you how bad your security was.

Notice how this is all AFTER the fact of them targeting Sony? What corp in thier right mind would then act like Sony did at this point? They are all wary of the consicences. If you piss of someone at this point of time your business may be in jepoardy.

Why hack nintendo? THEY HAVE NO ONLINE GAMING PRESENSE AT ALL. Or do they want friend codes so badly?

You might want a boxee box if you want those features, and apps/channles.

Press the Button!!! TURN IT ON PLZ!!!

L.A. Noire

HeadDesk line forms behind me.

When i see that pictire i think, Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

So people seem to be forgetting it still uses memory sticks. And the memory is till better than what the psp 1/2000 has (32mb) or the 3k/go (64mb) as long as the game media is made in such a fashon that they can make the cards contain additional hardware i dont care, but i doubt that will be happening.

So we can Awsume the NGP has TV-Out? that would only make sense with motion controls.

Disc Rot, Somoli Pirates, Forgotton and unremoved Hot Coffee Section, Being Wrongly Rated, Discs being manufactured wrong, shipments being stolen/lost en route...

But twitter is only used for meaningful stuff and people on the internet dont lie.

the dreamcast seeks the gd-rom the same way the psp seeks a umd, and man is it loud, ever notice how the dc and the psp have the same button placement?