
If this is God grabing japan by the sholder letting them know he's there, Wait till he gets around to America. We have done so many unspeakable things to everyone else and ourself its a suprise we are still around or in good gracies with anyone.

Trading dough for dough.

Therefore increasing the ammount of police they hire. Everyone wins! Except the banks that is.

As much as html5 can do, it dosent let me do everything flash can do yet.

Suddenly stuffing money in/under matresses and walls dosent seem like a bad Idea.

Be still Links' beating heart.

I have been trying to find a way to get to the normal site on my Windows phone 7 for the longest, bookmarked.

But it just works...

The only way to win the game is not to play.

Has anyone found any online vendors selling the 3g version of the Ipad 2 cheaper than what att/apple are selling it? Not buying one just wanted to know.

To all Kotaku/Gawker staff in japan, stay safe.

I find it hard to understand that some people can uterly and totaly disregard the fear and panic of others. Like with kids, if they are scared of the monster under the bed, they will be scared of the monster under the bed. Just because you arent afraid of it dosent mean that thier fear is any less real.

For the first time I needed to use copy and paste on my hd7 today, and it happened to be on Gizmodo... I just hope that we have timely and orderly delays because some of the missing apis are killing me. I need socket support bad, not having an irc client at my fingertips gives me the shakes. Also mibbit works, but it

Events like this make you realize that we live in a closed ecosystem. What happens in one place affects another, like how your math teacher always tells you to balance an equation. I hope that no other major calamities occur.

Anyone else thinking of Bond? Also it reminds me of car rims.

At those prices you can buy a used iphone 4 as your backup phone.

And tigers blood

How about asking a question about bad design moves, getting honest answers and punishing users that are honest? Its like gizmodo is setting up a honeypot to sanction thier commentors.