
No idea.

If you listen to the chrono trigger one long enough you will hear the EXACT loop that he used.

No its Schala's theme from Chrono Trigger

You do mean the Madness to his method?

If they every made an assassins creed anime/cartoon it would never make it in the us, maybe japan, but not here. Assassins go hand in hand with intrigue, looking at recent television and recent movies the trend of reality shows, stupid people doing stupid things, explosions, comic book adaptations, bad video games and

I was a teenaged uranium enriched super hero

Do playstation plus members get a discount?

Considering apple buys some of the apple product componets from samsung i dont think samsung cares. They get thier money when you buy the iphone/ipad anyway.

But they did, google it, there were people hacking the other os to gain full gpu acces and sony released a firmware to patch it then Geohot said he had found a way to break in THEN sony removed it then. This is the order of events as it actually happened. Other os was removed because of the hacs, not the hacks

It's not uncommon for companies to remove elements during R&B. "R&D" #corrections

Dude, that site works better than this one... I think its time for a change Gawker, A change that the people want. Please use his layout.

How else are normal people supposed to know what to expect? If you saw the NOVA special of that jepoardy game on pbs one of the producers said its a computer looking up the questions on google, whats so special about that? That is the kind of thinking that IBM and Jepoardy want to eliminate. They want the audience to

Messaiah Complex on sterioids....

(1) OtherOS was removed from the slim before he started hacking the PS3 (his hacking was a RESPONSE to that removal).

Equate it to having your computer erase your thesis/report/project that you were almost finished with. You would think you would feel rage, but trust me it would be wtf followed by rage.

There are already psp homebrew that do this already, for YEARS.

Would'nt dvd camera angles , multiple audio streams and multiple subtitle streams be prior art? And mkvs? and laser disks?