
I've been (sucker-)punched in the face. I lost some teeth. I did not punch back. But you're right, his behavior wasn't disgusting ...

Yes, we should excuse his disgusting behavior

Maybe not punch her in the face? That was a difficult question to answer

But he still punched a woman in the face, with enough force to break her jaw. Fuck that guy.

You imagine he could be a misogynist? There is no imagination required. There is no "could be".

Yes, let's accept the agent's words as truth.

But Bayern only plays one match per week. There are other teams competing against each other.

Your dismissal of Bundesliga matches based on Bayern's dominance

That's a strange conclusion to jump to

You seem fun

wRC+ of 80. And from 2007 on, he grounds into double-plays at a rate of approx 20 per season.

The Marfan's diagnosis wasn't surprising?!

Emerson Hyndman, Fulham FC.

He specifically said the Seahawks and Spurs don't have superstars. Germany does. Gotze is a superstar on the level of James Rodriguez and he doesn't even start.

There is nothing in common here. That narrative is shit. This is all very simple and easy to see: Germany has the most talent and the world's best goalkeeper.

Germany's squad is composed almost entirely of star players. They are the most talented team. They aren't winning because of some "they play as a team" bullshit narrative.

What the hell does that have to do with the Germany-Brasil game?

Did you watch the game? In no way was Julio Cesar at fault. Plus, his performance in penalties is a big reason Brazil made it to the semifinals.

Love to see all the commenters who still believe in the idea of separate but equal

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