
Even saying heel-striking is "bad" is a gross generalization

And mid-footing striking is advantageous for everyone?

Some people like running. Maybe you should just ignore the free articles that don't interest you? Why are you letting them bother you?

Old babies love baseball

This is such a stupid and erroneous reason. Take two seconds and think why else the Boston Marathon (or any major race) might need a capped enrollment

"apparently too many people running down the street is a problem or something."

No security concerns at the Boston Marathon ...

My mistake. I couldn't determine which type of guitar the author was quoting you on. Thanks for taking the time to answer/acknowledge the silly questions of this RoughRiders/Rangers fan

How much do you regret everything in this article, Mr. Ricky Bobby of the guitar?

Have you ever seen the TV show Lost?

What's your favorite fan encounter? Was it this one?

After an elaborate article on tactics, you wonder why a sport that has been constantly evolving and intensely tweaked by people who have devoted their lives to said sport doesn't use the strategies you see in soccer. And this "drives you crazy" (times two) and makes you "rant." Then to top it off you say "kick and

You didn't judge me or even a sport I play. You just made a stupid comment and got pissy when someone called you out on your stupidity.

What I really find interesting - and they look at me like I'm speaking French when I say this - is why these tactics aren't applied to other sports.

I wasn't trying to sound tough, just wanted to point out how your judgement could've used two seconds of thought.

Yeah why don't those guys playing a physical sport with knives on their feet spend more time with their heads down? What the hell makes you think there aren't tactics in hockey - other than ignorance?

Not to mention the calendars are different

With every Premier League game broadcast on basic cable, streamable on mobile devices, and available on demand after the fact, not to mention the ready accessibility of other European leagues, it's increasingly easy for fans to watch the best of the best. Why they should instead watch new teams full of players who

1. The big NHL and MLB expansions didn't lead to a saturation in talent because the new roster spots were filled with foreign players. This will likely happen in the MLS.