When Hull City is trying to drop "City" because of its worthlessness, here come the Americans appropriating British soccer norms without thinking.
When Hull City is trying to drop "City" because of its worthlessness, here come the Americans appropriating British soccer norms without thinking.
Yeah let's just ignore all context of that word. It means whatever you want it to mean. Right on, bro
He obviously has no idea what he is doing, because he wasn't born in the United States.
Here he is neither running nor motioning for assistance: http://mlb.mlb.com/news/article/m…
That's a lovely story. Here's video of what actually happened (go to 3:03 mark). He did a wonderful job holding the bullpen door open. A real hero.
Ignore the context if you wish.
He isn't the only name attached to this urban legend, nor the first.
No one has ever participated in this act (hence "bullshit urban legend"). Richard Gere is not the only name attached to this rumor. And its origins definitely lie in painting homosexuals negatively.
A bullshit urban legend that depicts homosexuals as depraved surely is the best rumor ever!
Great point. I believe that all people with prescription eyewear deserve to be hit in the face.
LOL! Fantastic gay joke!
September issue of Texas Monthly mentions this very gallery of photos in its recipe for fried dove. http://www.texasmonthly.com/story/dove
Cute narrative about desperation soccer.
Another pop-metrics book with no real findings! The authors present common sense truths disguised as science by terribly weak models.
HR/G, Central League
2013: 0.848 | 2012: 0.525 | 2011: 0.561 | 2010: 1.001 | 2009: 0.890 | 2008: 0.843 | 2007: 0.947
A 94mph fastball above the zone in an attempt to get Coco to chase for strike three is thrown by the second-best pitcher in the NPB and the conclusion is that Coco is getting nothing to hit?
Fans wouldn't need stupid noisemakers if there were frequent and/or lengthy stoppages in play when stadiums could blast top 40 hits thru the speakers. Sports are only exciting when action is constantly interrupted and music is played. Or maybe if the sport and the fans weren't so stupid, music could be playing while…
Knowing that you love Soccernomics clears up so much
The two terrible first-pitches are by Americans - Tiffany and Jessica of Girls' Generation. But I forgive them because "Gee" is a perfect pop-song.