
I just want to point out, people elected these effing idiots. They are really good at pandering to what people want to hear, not having real knowledge, on real subjects.

I recommend something like this for doors and areas where you have less than a perfect seal currently:

Do you mean the backward Da Vinci stuff above? If so, yes.

For an average person, I would agree. For someone that cooks all the time and wants a great knife, you can’t go cheap. I have a Henkel set that was fairly inexpensive compared to my 1 Shun Premier 8” chef’s knife. There is simply no comparison between them aside from “they both cut stuff.” If I am cutting up bunches

I am in the beginning stages of wanting to try something like this out, and now I am glad that I waited. I had seriously considered building my own and putting something together, but when you do that and get everything you need to even get into average territory for size and capability, you are only a couple hundred

so, from reading this, the bike is crap. Lol, just goes to show how an honest, objective review on something would completely change your mind from the mainstream.

I would love to do this. Being a moto-journalist of any kind has always been something I have considered a "dream job." Just a few unfortunate points for me. One, I have never done anything with journalism. No formal education on the subject. Two, this career and family thing I have in the way. Where it would be an

Yes, this.

I wonder if it still ran...

I spend about 6 hours a day on conference calls, so a quiet keyboard is a must. I am at the 85-100 wpm range, and it sounds like someone is rattling tic tacs in a container. I really want to get a nice mechanical keyboard for my home machine, but I am afraid that I will drive myself insane with the amount of noise

I think you would be busy with smashed hands, in a door, while I went about my merry way :)

Floppy disk dying... on disk 26 of Windows install... I just cried a little.

Yes, this.

If I worked with you, I would probably try and slam your hands in a door. Every. Day.

Only good use for a PT cruiser that I can think of...

I saw it, and after the second time the screen flashed I was annoyed, 3rd time, and I noticed everything was changing in the background. The car is ugly, was more interested in the woman walking down the street.

Hey, at least I am "above average" at something this week...

What about:

This is better than all years/versions of the original show, all crammed into 15 minutes.

and his hair, and flecks of unicorn horn. He also puts one drop of his blood into every batch of paint, and when you buy them, you share in his pact with satan.