
Messy Dorito eating makes you look like you have ALL the Herpes.

People are really gonna be confused why you used Zootopia as the first image, Luke.

I mean, what you really probably need is a truck, but when your neighbor offers to sell you his 2005 Porche 911 with 30,000 miles on it for $5000, that is what you buy.

Derek Jeter, you’re shitting up your job by not editing your underling more tightly

Russell Westbrook’s life mission in the 2017 season is now to dunk so hard on Kevin Durant that he literally dies.

No....LeBron did it 4 times in the Finals.

J.R. was reportedly worried about the civil suit until his lawyer told him it was a real long shot.

Thanks to everyone who keeps reading and supporting Kotaku. We love you all.

“Well, you can’t just lock up all of them. It would be too obvious.” - Ferguson Police Department

Even better to launch a friendly Bastion into the air on a wall; they get so confused. I want a Trump skin for Mei since she likes building walls so much.

Wait, women don’t have orgasms because our sex education is shitty? I’ll remember to tell my GF that next time SHE fails to reach orgasm.

So...basically. ..

So we turned D.Va into Umaru-chan?

i bet this new meme of sort was also fueled by the whole Umaru popularity that broke out when that anime started.

‘this is a creative industry, not a salary job’.
This sounds a lot like Alex St. John’s mentality and his recent controversial article about game developers. It is ok if you are the creator and willing to sacrifice everything, but you can’t force your employees to do the same as some of them probably just wanted to

Wow, the last pic looks like a jpeg you get from a 2mB Digital Camera circa 1999.

I’m engaged, played sports year-round all the way through high school (baseball, soccer, cross country) and can name all the original Pokemon, know the move priority differences between multiple Street Fighters, and can beat the original Sonic sidescrollers without losing a single life.