
Jack Tretton, is that you? PS3 10 year life cycle? lol I kid I kid. It does seem that Sony has managed to rise from the poo storm that was their initial release in '06. I was one of those suckers that got the OG phat 60GB PS3 and stuck with them through the horrible launch. Needless to say, this gen has been one heck

Same here. It's all good though. I'm due for a new Mac. Waiting on that new Mac Pro.

So there are no games coming out on 360?

It's all good. We all make that mistake. I appreciate you being a good sport about it. There are some people on Kotaku that take stuff waaaaaaaaay to seriously it's kinda sad. lol.

I didn't mean that literally word for word. I mean, c'mon now, this is Capcom we're talking about here.

Right there with you, but IV wasn't bad at all.

This is our fault. No one ran to buy Breath of Fire IV when it was released on PSN and now we're paying for it. :,(


Someone had to say it. But I agree. lol.

So Kojima wants to be the Woody Allen of video games now?

Amazon is ALL MINE! Can't wait for this and Tales of Xillia next weeeeek!

Ricky Nolasco's on the Dodgers?! I'm an NL East guy and I didn't even know this happened.

So what? Let 'em rock. Everyone has their opinions. Gen 1 started it all, gotta respect that don't you think?

I love Gen 2 just because of Tyranitar and Gen 4 because Garchomp. Gen 1 - Squirtle. Gen 3 - Absol and Gen 5 - Chandelure. I like em all man. I see every new generation as an expansion to what I love already.

New generation = new set of legendaries. I don't see any problem with that.

That's the beauty of Pokémon. You don't HAVE to get involved in the multiplayer ever. And there is nothing wrong with Legendaries. New generation = new set of legendaries.

Hehe. Same thing I did. No shame in that.

I love all Pokémon equally. Gen 1 holds a special place in my heart though.

Here, let me help you get your foot out of your mouth. lololol. Nice troll though.

Yes. MM is THIS kind of weird. And it was awesome for that.