I'm just commenting on the state of affairs that is the Wii U's sales. Namco is okay in my book. They gave us Ni No Kuni and Tales of Xillia AND Tales of Symphonia Collection. Plus Tekken Revolution is pretty neat.
I'm just commenting on the state of affairs that is the Wii U's sales. Namco is okay in my book. They gave us Ni No Kuni and Tales of Xillia AND Tales of Symphonia Collection. Plus Tekken Revolution is pretty neat.
It wasn't enough for Namco to make a Wii U version though.
Capcom announces a Monster Hunter, Namco an idolm@ster, or a super popular visual novel on PS4 = 98% plan on buying lol.
Ahh. I see. Thanks.
Yoooooo. That's OWE DEE. lol.
Really funny. I give this video a thumbs up.
lol, Double Helix. They ruined Silent Hill. They destroyed Front Mission, Killer Instinct is looking like doody butt, and now Strider. Games industry illuminati son.
This is a prequel right? Why is the Batmen so jacked in this trailer??
The Kunai headphones are sold out. =\
What?! That's like the best part. I just love owning fools with my TWOCHAINZ. Yes, I named my Tyranitar Two Chainz, and it's AWESOME.
You CAN'T win against Nintendo fans bra. lol.
"Maximum waifu exploitation"... Sounds just about right. I like it!
Same here. lol. I still have a PS3/PSN/PSVita (and 999 on DS) backlog that is mighty strong. So a few extra bucks on my launch PS4 wouldn't hurt. But who knows, I'm not very good when it comes to just keeping new tech laying around. I'll be so tempted to open it.
With all the characters they just revealed (and possibly reveal soon) I'm wondering if Kubo-san just got tired of making stuff up. This new faction of enemies are named after letters in the alphabet. Absurd, and I'm a fan! I do hope they start the anime again. Maybe a movie for the final arc or something.
Valve thought they had us all fooled! You're doing God's work friend.
Aizen isn't dead though. He's in prison.
It's a way of being sarcastic or facetious. If you watch any FGC event on Twitch the stream chat will be filled with "Kappa". Try it out. On any Twitch channel in chat type Kappa (case sensitive) and you'll get the kappa face. Also FrankerZ is one of my favorites. lol.
EMP|VXG| NY Chris G? LB| NY Chris G?
Call Kotaku... oh, wait. It's Owen. You're cool in my book Owen.