Gaaaaaaaashdammit. You won the Internet today. Man that was a good One.
Gaaaaaaaashdammit. You won the Internet today. Man that was a good One.
Oh you're no fun.
Can I borrow your copy of the game when you're done with it? Please?
That would be interesting, and welcomed. Especially after that ending. Left a sour taste in my mouth.
I think the name change is what got them out of the exclusive deal. Which totally blows. Not because of it not being exclusive, but because of all the people who purchased a PS3 just for this game (including me, not that I mind. All the goodness that came from PS3 this gen was great).
Thank you! As much as I love me some new games, I do enjoy sports games. And I'm impressed with what EA has shown with Madden and Fifa.
If they replicate my neighborhood in Brooklyn I'll go ahead and give this The Game of Life award.
I'm hooked on Toro's Friend Network. >_< and Gravity Rush.
People won't see that though. And that's the problem.
Smart move. Very smart.
There were reports saying Microsoft was gonna money hat the sh*t out of developers for the next gen.
Hold up. So you're telling me games saved to my HDD will automatically stop working even if I'm still a Plus subscriber? C'mon dawg, you're not very good at being a downer.
The good graces of BasedSony and MotherMicrosoft is all I need in my life. Who else is going to serve me delicious PlayStation and Ecksbawx goodness?
Chaos Legion!!! Such an underrated and unappreciated game!
Heeeeey. I like Malicious. Even though its unfair and has a dumb difficulty curve. I like it.
Could not have said it any better. The problem here is the consumer. I honestly believe there are blind consumers out there and if Microsofts $1 Billion dedicated to games is true, we're going to see a lot of exclusives on their side and people will go there.
You know I don't have the answer to any of these speculations, but it seems to me that a lot of people want Sony to eff up as bad as Microsoft has been since the XBone announcement. If Sony drops the ball on this, WE ALL LOSE. And that is not cool guys. :(
English dub was fine in my opinion.
I'm still upset at how Namco handled the release of this game. For those not in the know, the geniuses at Namco decided to set the release date in North America for this game the same date as Final Fantasy XII. While I love both games, you don't release a niche JRPG (at the time, I'm aware the 'Tales of' fanbase has…
It was originally available on PS2. And I think it's still the better version.