
I agree with your sentiments, but my question is where did their creativity go? Playing it safe with FF XIII and Kingdom Hearts: Rehash version 1.x. It seems they're just iterating. The one time they brought back Yasumi Matsuno to do the Tactics Ogre remake, I was thrilled. Matsuno-san was the last hope for Final

I really think Final Fantasy XIII, XIV, and Crystal Tools (their FF current gen engine) really put them in a bad spot financially. Since XIII sold so well (yuck) I think they figured they could just make more money off iterations from that game. Problem is that that's not how it works for RPG's and now their entire

Dino nuggets are for true G's. lol.

Call me racist, but I lol'ed my ass off when I saw this. Especially Black Kanji. Haha.

You mean Sagat. Put_Sagat_in_UMVC3.

Haha. Not the controller. The share feature. The preferred controller for fighting games are fight sticks.

Thank you based Kotaku.

I think I heard on IGN's Podcast Beyond that the PS3 has been outselling the 360 worldwide for about a year now; not sure on how valid the claim was. I guess news outlets have stopped talking about sales figures because they learned that it's flame bait any way you try and present the news.

Pretty much. USA =\= the rest of the world. It's a large market, but I think that if Microsoft doesn't get it's act together in Japan and Europe, you're gonna have a bunch of us obnoxious 'Murricans on XBL.

Haha. I was gonna say the same thing. And I live in The good 'ol USA.

I learned my lesson a long time ago. I bought Ni No Kuni for $30 with some old gift cards I had laying around plus the deal. This gen has been weird for games. It's like the prices go down within of a month of release. Not complaining though. :)

I beg to disagree, friend. While Twitch is mostly dominated by LoL and StarCraft, the other half are steady streams of any number of shooters (Call Of Duty, Halo...etc.) and the fighting game community. These communities are growing, and I think the social aspect of PS4 is catering to that crowd.

Really? You think people who play fighting games, hell, any competitive game will not use this feature? This is a godsend for tournament organizers that can upload a match right after it happens.

Ha! That would be the day. Let's just be happy that there are people like us around that are positive about games in general and don't hate on stuff. The internet has shown me that there are some really negative people out there who have opinions that they truly believe is the end all be all of all opinion.

Lol. Same here. I even had a launch 60GB PS3. Oh well. It's all good. Vanquish is free on PS+ that's a good thing.

Ahhh! My brain. It's too late for that. Anyway, PS4 HYPETRAIN!

That's understandable. At least you're not a jerk about it.

....waaaah? Blasphemy.

Lol. Should you be surprised? I love Kotaku, but some of these guys play games like grandparents.

So I'm not the only who thinks this of most Kotaku commentators. I will forever remain positive because at the end of the day, even if you're called a fanboy like I have been, we win. We win because we're genuinely excited and we say eff the haters.