
Trail’s End popcorn kernels are the best. The bagged products aren’t really anything special. One thing the Boy Scouts do have going for them is that 73% of the popcorn profits go backt to local scouts, unlike the Girls Scouts who only get .25 per box. for their troop. It’s a huge job for the girls and troop leaders

honestly they sound like the terror room-mates. that poor guy getting outed before he was comfortable by people going through his personal shit. that is nightmare level bullshit. i hope he’s okay and managed to move past that terrible experience.

Sorry, T-Pain, the Boy Scouts do popcorn instead. Nobody has any illusions as to how much lamer this is.

Will you tell me what the twist is? IDGAF about spoilers, I’ll never read the book and probably only see the movie when it shows up on the Netflix instant some afternoon in a couple of years.

You don’t think guns aren’t a little more powerful than they were 80 years ago?

Down ticket politicians who are pro gun control. Every 2 years, not just every 4 and in every level of government.

If you want to enhance the world view of your kids you take them to places like Smithsonian or the Louvre or the Meiji Shrine. You don’t take them to an active war zone that people are fleeing at all costs. Refugee camps are not places to take an eleven year old to. The workers in the camps there have enough to worry

Ellie, I was just going to ask the same thing. Who the fuck is trudging through the snow? I can believe someone tearfully begging Cruz, perhaps not to vote for Trump but maybe for Cruz to disappear completely. But snow???

I thought it was a great video--the hurdles metaphor might be ableist if you take it totally literally, but to me it was a recognition that women have made amazing and difficult progress over the last 150 years. They did it when the situation was far more stacked against them and consequences for action were high.

Well. I guess you are correct in your statement. However, I’d like to hope that people with disabilities would at least get the spirit of the video. Not to mention that we have the Paralympics and the Special Olympics specifically to highlight physical activity of those who might have different and profound

Jezebel: Making perfect the enemy of good since 2008.

OK Bro. About that quadruple bankrupt businessman’s economic “plans”...economists universally hate them.

I’m so confused, shaving doesn’t count as washing? I would get terrible razor burn if I didn’t at least use soap.

Dying at the eyewear crowdsourcing target demographic. Perfection.

No one seems to understand what “one bad apple” does to the rest of the bunch.

Additionally, why the fuck should he have his hands up. I personally think the police should have a compelling reason to issue a command and a guy walking to his disabled car sure doesn’t fit that bill. This isn’t Simon fucking says. Christ on a cracker, what the hell is going on on this flying fucking rock?

And in the speech, she acknowledged that her father had just died on Friday.

This article is was ill-advised and should either be taken down or drastically altered.

I’m sorry, Stassa, but this article basically amounts to, “Smile, it can’t be that bad.”

Somebody in another thread suggested mixing Pedialyte with a better-tasting drink. That said, cramps are probably not due to electrolyte losses for most people (it's a very persistent myth, probably because we don't have a better theory). Here is some info that might help: http://www.momsteam.com/muscle-cramps/…