I had that happen once. Pretty sure I left a spot behind on the chair but isn't stick around to find out.
I had a late, and subsequently very heavy period a couple of months ago, and it felt like I was giving birth to slugs every time I sat down. Seriously the grossest feeling ever, even worse than the snot like gobs of blood you get that hang on forever. D:
one time at work I accidentally threw ice up someone's nose (long story) but I laughed so hard I fell to the ground and while I was trying to catch my breath, I just stopped.
I've always wondered how women who have chunks even use tampons. I tried it briefly but never again. The idea of plugging all that gunk up is just...ugh. ish needs to come out ASAP.
A few years ago I was having some ridiculously intense issues with my uterus, and shed my entire endometrial lining at once when I was in the shower. (at least it seemed that way) It was basically a cast of my uterus. I threw up, played with it a little (the flesh chunk, not the vomit), then took pictures in case…
I HATE THAT. you can just feeellll it moving
Ahhh I was Laughing as I was watching this a felt a gush... .. time to get up & check myself.. cuz I wrecked ma self.. oh well... Period panties.. Your comment cracked me up too. Thanks for making me laugh :-)
As a man, I can say I had no idea about the chunk thing. I live with a wife and two teenage daughters and now every time I see a box of tampons left out on the counter I will be thinking of chunks.
Two months ago, my partner made me laugh as I sat up in bed and suddenly there was blood everywhere. Everywhere. Blood. Fucking. EVERYWHERE. And oh yeah, I'm sitting on the remnants of my own surprise panty massacre. It's like my period knows when I'm terrified of being pregnant and chooses that week to be late. This…
the other day i was laughing rly hard and my tampon was clearly aiming for an escape
Any time you have stuff coming out of more than one orifice at a time, it's a fucking nightmare. I don't care if you're sneezing while peeing, crying while pooping, popping zits on your period (pores count as an orifice for the purposes of grossness), it's just. fucking. unfair.
I can handle gross...and that wasn't very gross at all. But the bigger problem is that it wasn't very funny. Yelling MY BODY MY BODY MY BODY four times in a sentence isn't comedy.
I love Meg Cabots Size series, they're hilarious. I thought I was the only adult to enjoy her YA stuff, now I may no longer live in shame :D
I am here with all the money when Hollywood decides it wants to adapt Julia Quinn's Bridgerton series into any form of visual media. ALL THE MONEY (which is not much, admittedly, BUT it's the thought that counts, really.)
Good Jennifer Crusie adaptations...with people who can pull off the goofball humor and snappy dialogue. We don't need more bad book adaptations, IMHO.
The fact that there aren't 80000 BBC Georgette Heyer adaptations is absolutely the saddest thing in my literary life. They can do sixteen versions of Emma but not one Cotillion!? (I mean, I love the 2009 Romola Garai version a lot, but still.)
omg. Give me Jennifer Crusie adaptations ALL DAY LONG PLEASE.